Safe and secure travel

Report an incident online
For incidents on the bus and tram networks, you can report incidents quickly and discreetly to a live GMP call handler, from your smartphone, using the LiveChat service or by calling 101 – or 999 in an emergency.
See it. Say it. Sorted.
You can also do your bit to help keep our public transport networks safe. We ask that you always keep your luggage and personal belongings with you and that you’re considerate of other passengers when making your journey.
Remain vigilant and, if you see anything suspicious, for example someone being somewhere they shouldn't, strange behaviour (e.g. taking photos of our security arrangements) or an unattended bag, please report it immediately.
If you see suspicious behaviour on the bus and tram networks:
- If possible, tell a police officer or member of staff.
- Report incidents quickly and discreetly to a live Greater Manchester Police (GMP) call handler, from your smartphone, tablet or laptop, using the LiveChat service or by calling 101.
- Call 999 in an emergency.
If you see suspicious behaviour at a rail station or on a train:
- Tell a member of staff or contact the British Transport Police immediately on 0800 40 50 40 or text on 61016.
- In an emergency, always call 999.
To find out more head over to the BTP website.

TravelSafe Partnership
TravelSafe is a partnership brought together to help support a safe and secure transport network across Greater Manchester.
Here are a few ways they help keep you safe when you travel:
- Transport staff and police dedicate more than 15,000 hours per week patrolling the Metrolink and bus networks, day and night, seven days a week.
- Our control rooms operate 24/7 and monitor feeds from more than 3,800 CCTV cameras across the region’s bus stations and interchanges, tram stops and rail stations. For your safety, all of our trams are also fitted with CCTV.
- There are emergency call points on all 99 stops on Metrolink, as well two onboard each tram. They means you can speak to a member of staff, if one is not present.
More information:
- Who is in the TravelSafe Partnership
- What is expected of you when you travel
- Read the TravelSafe Partnership Strategy 2022-24
- A message from the Mayor on the TravelSafe Partnership
Contact the TravelSafe team
- For any general enquiries please contact:
- Find extra resources and operator conditions of carriage.
Other ways we're keeping you safe:
With thanks to our partners: