Streets for All
Streets for All is our approach to everything we do on streets in Greater Manchester. Streets for All places a strong emphasis on reducing traffic and road danger, and on improving the street environment for everyone travelling along, spending time in, or living on them. This people-centred approach to street planning, design and network management is needed to deliver the Bee Network, support growth and productivity and enable us to meet our decarbonisation targets.
Streets for All strategy
Download the Streets for All strategy
The Streets for All Vision is:
We will ensure that our streets are welcoming, green, and safe spaces for all people, enabling more travel by walking, cycling and using public transport while creating thriving places that support local communities and businesses.
Our ambition is to design more welcoming and greener streets which enable people to incorporate more physical activity into their daily lives; which have clean air; which are safe and secure for everyone; which provide good access to public transport and which are universally accessible.
The Streets for All strategy details our three levels of delivery of Streets for All:
- street design and management
- transport network planning; and
- spatial planning (planning new developments).
Streets for All Design Guidance
Download Greater Manchester’s Streets for All Design Guide
Download Greater Manchester’s Streets for All Design Check
Download Greater Manchester's Sustainable Drainage Design Guide
The Greater Manchester Streets for All Design Guide will support street design across the region and is an essential tool in achieving our vision for streets. It sets the standard for how our streets and public spaces will look, feel and function in the years ahead. The technical design guide has been co-developed by Transport for Greater Manchester together with the 10 Greater Manchester local authorities, with input from a wide range of stakeholders.
The guide is a key tool for everyone involved, or with an interest, in the improvement of existing, and development of new, streets and places in Greater Manchester.
The Guide will help deliver the Streets for All Essentials set out in the Strategy. These relate to the challenges, opportunities and ambitions for Greater Manchester’s streets.
In applying the Streets for All approach, we aim to achieve:
- Green, vibrant streets that are welcoming and safe places to spend time in
- An attractive and inclusive walking and wheeling environment;
- A safe and connected cycling experience;
- A reliable, integrated and accessible public transport network;
- A network where goods are delivered on time with minimal impacts on local communities;
- Streets that enable people to drive less;
- A future proofed street network.
The approach seeks to celebrate the diversity of streets and places across Greater Manchester, each with its own context. It does not set out a street design template to be applied uniformly. Early engagement with local people, businesses and other interested groups is essential to what we call a ‘context sensitive’ approach.
Along with the Streets for All Essentials we have developed five ‘street types’, to help us frame and structure our approach to streets, and what change could – and should - look like. In line with the context sensitive approach, a ‘real’ street may have elements of each.
Greater Manchester street types:
- Neighbourhoods give access to our homes and link up with public transport and community facilities.
- Connector Streets are part of, and join up, our Neighbourhoods.
- High Streets are at the heart of our communities and are important places for shopping, leisure and work.
- Destination Places and Gateways come in many shapes and sizes, and are places where people come together or pass through.
- Strategic Roads enable people and goods to move reliably over long distances.
The street types recognise the many roles of our streets, as places we live, socialise, spend time, play, visit, wait for a bus, park vehicles, as well as travel through. Streets for All is about how we achieve a better balance between these roles.
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