Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040
Our long-term policy framework for an world-class integrated transport networkGreater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 sets out Greater Manchester’s long-term ambition for transport.
Our vision is for Greater Manchester to have ‘World-class connections that support long-term sustainable economic growth and access to opportunity for all”.
It sets out a strong commitment to provide a transport system which: supports sustainable economic growth and the efficient and effective movement of people and goods; improves the quality of life for all by being integrated, affordable and reliable; protects our environment and supports our target to be net zero carbon by 2038 as well as improving air quality; and capitalises on new technology and innovation.
Right Mix Vision
By 2040 we want 50% of all journeys in Greater Manchester to be made by walking, cycling and public transport. This will mean one million more sustainable journeys every day enabling us to deliver a healthier, greener and more productive city-region.
Customer Principles
Meeting the transport needs of our residents, visitors and businesses is at the heart of the Strategy. We have established seven principles that we apply consistently as we improve GM’s transport network for our customers.
These are:
Environmentally Responsible
Safe and Secure
Well Maintained and Resilient
Spatial Themes
The Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 is also structured, in part, around five spatial themes. This enables us to develop integrated projects and interventions for the many different types of journeys that happen across Greater Manchester, from trips to the shops in local neighbourhoods, to cross city commutes to international travel and freight.
The five spatial themes are:
Connected neighbourhoods
Travel across the wider city-region
Getting into and around the regional centre
City-to-city links
A globally connected city
The Greater Manchester Strategy
Greater Manchester’s transport strategy is an essential part of the city-region’s wider strategic framework.
Delivering a world-class, integrated public transport network is essential in enabling people to live productive and fulfilling lives; for thriving communities and neighbourhoods; for economic growth and for a green environment and sustainable future.
Supporting Strategies
The Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 will be supported by a suite of supporting strategies, including: the (now published) Streets for All Strategy, City Centre Transport Strategy, Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy and - still to come - the Local Bus Strategy, Rapid Transit Strategy and Freight and Logistics Strategy.
City Centre Transport Strategy
Manchester City Council, Salford City Council and TfGM have jointly developed the City Centre Transport Strategy. This sub-strategy to the 2040 Transport Strategy focuses on the ambition to have 90% of journeys into the regional centre by walking, cycling and public transport by 2040. It sets out how to improve the public transport network, make the city centre a cleaner, more attractive place to walk and cycle and reduce the number of car journeys.
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy
The UK plans to phase out the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030. That’s a big change, and the draft Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Strategy sets out how Greater Manchester plans to help people who need to drive make the switch to an EV with confidence, knowing that they can recharge it quickly and easily.
Environmental Strategy
To support Greater Manchester’s ambition to be net carbon zero by 2038 we are currently undertaking additional work to identify how our transport targets can help contribute to achieving this goal, alongside measures to decarbonise the transport network itself.
Together with Our Five-Year Transport Delivery Plan the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 form our statutory Local Transport Plan.